Improve the quality of life unmatched in the constant habit of saving comes from, and each person sleeps sleep due to its strong financial position. When the man realized his savings the money is coming from any sudden he has the ability to afford the cost. The dream of every person is reasonable savings. Global Trade & Marketing has been designed to offer an unmatched 30 days hyper investment plans, regular savings habit among the people, in life he realized a immutable economic base and economic security, and to develop quality of their lives...............
Terms & Condition:-

1.                   According to the company's five-day week in the Global Investment Plan will be implemented.
2.                Six times returns on the investment plan two days of the week will be Saturday, Sunday, Govt. and Any Banking holidays. Six times returns that will not be included in the investment plan.
3.                 Global Trade & Marketing six times Returns investment plans of the company are as per the rules. Which has no relation to any other investment plan? So any legal dispute will not be responsible for the company's agency management.
4.                Six times returns on the investments made ​​by the company are. The scheme has been given the benefit of class. Which may or may not benefit? Therefore all investors its entire discretion and to invest wisely.
5.                 Twice as frequent as those who will be five days of the week? By this way you double your investment returns will be approximately 30/60 and 90 days. The plan does not include day of the week, Saturday, Sunday, Govt. and banking holidays.
6.                 All investors of the company by adding 1st new member will be given 15% then unlimited depth 10% commission. And the 5% incentive to manage your team will be given monthly. Companies are maintained time to time Rewards Offers by the incentive from appearance. Members who take part in their achievement can be completed Rewards offers.

7.                If for some reason there is no damage to your investment firm or the company or the company's agency management so that there will be no responsibility. Weekly Investment Plan will be the investor's entire responsibility.